James McKay

Global Recordings Website

Global Recordings Network website

As part of a team, I updated the website of http://globalrecordings.net to use a new responsive design, including developing a custom forms library and customising a javascript HTML5 player to suit the requirements of the organisation.

Forms Library

Global Recordings Network website

I developed a library that would generate forms from a text config. For example, the above form was generated from the following code. The code included internationalisation keys.

 type = email
 titleId = stay_informed
 descriptionId = receive_inspiring_stories
 toAddress = @globalrecordings.net
 toPrefix = select_a_country
 fromField = your_email_address
 buttonStringId = sign_up_for_updates
 successId = formdata_success_message
 errorId = errorId
 restrictField = select_a_country

 your_first_name.name = "your_first_name"
 your_first_name.type = "text"
 your_first_name.width = 1
 your_first_name.promptId = "your_first_name"
 your_first_name.required = true
 your_first_name.errorId = "error_field_is_blank"

 your_last_name.name = "your_last_name"
 your_last_name.type = "text"
 your_last_name.width = 1
 your_last_name.promptId = "your_last_name"
 your_last_name.required = true
 your_last_name.errorId = "error_field_is_blank"

 your_email_address.name = "your_email_address"
 your_email_address.type = "email"
 your_email_address.width = 1
 your_email_address.promptId = "your_email_address"
 your_email_address.required = true
 your_email_address.errorId = "error_email_is_blank_or_invalid"

 select_a_country.name = "select_a_country"
 select_a_country.type = "dropdown"
 select_a_country.width = 1
 select_a_country.promptId = "select_a_country"
 select_a_country.required = true
 select_a_country.errorId = "error_field_is_blank"
 select_a_country.options["au"] = "location_35"
 select_a_country.options["mailca"] = "location_61"
 select_a_country.options["ph"] = "location_221"
 select_a_country.options["ch"] = "location_245"
 select_a_country.options["thai"] = "location_248"
 select_a_country.options["uk"] = "location_263"
 select_a_country.options["us"] = "location_265"

The code for the library is available here.

Javascript player

The existing flash-based player was not adequate for the organisation's needs to play content on many devices, and there was not a library that was able to meet those needs. I updated a plugin for Mediaelement.js called "Mediaelement playlist plugin" that was abandoned. I fixed the bugs present in it and improved on the plugin to include the features that the organisation required.

The plugin allows an audio playlist to be played, whilst showing an appropriate image for the track.

Documentation and code for the plugin.

Here is a link to a page on the live website using the plugin.